What are the most common causes of workplace accidents?

On Behalf of | May 19, 2016 | Industrial Workers' Accidents |

When a workplace accident occurs, the employer and employees may all be trying to determine what the root cause of the accident was. It can be difficult for employees to admit that they were doing something that they shouldn’t have been doing when the accident occurred, but it can be just as difficult for the employer. Under Illinois law, workers’ compensation is still available to those employees who are responsible for an accident. Here are some of the most common causes of workplace accidents.

— Neglecting safety protocol. There is a reason for safety procedures and that is to keep workers and employers safe.

— Inadequate preparation: Employees need to stop and think about the task they are going to do before starting. This can help prevent many workplace accidents.

— Overconfidence: Many workers have performed their jobs for decades. Having confidence is great and it comes from doing your job well. However, if you believe that something can never happen to you, you are setting yourself up with an attitude that might lead to incorrect methods, procedures and tools. You need to remember that you aren’t invincible.

— Poor housekeeping: When someone comes into your place of employment, it’s likely they can see if safety matters to you by a few quick glances around. Hazards can quickly appear in areas that are not kept tidy.

As you can see, there are many root causes for workplace accidents, but you should also remember that employees who are injured are not always to blame for the incident. An attorney with experience in workers’ compensation cases can help you understand your options for obtaining benefits after an accident occurs.

Source: Safety Partners, Ltd., “7 Most Common Causes of Workplace Accidents,” accessed May 19, 2016

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