Know Your Rights If You Suffer A Neck, Back Or Spine Injury
Following an injury on the job, it is important that you seek the proper medical treatment. It is also important to next find legal advice to learn your rights under the workers’ compensation act. During a free consultation with Hannigan Botha & Sievers, Ltd., we will explain your rights and let you know the benefits you are entitled to.
In the days and weeks that follow an accident, as you file a work injury claim, it is important that you are aware of how the workers’ compensation act works to prevent the insurance company from taking advantage and refusing to pay the amount you need.
Once you have recovered to a point where you can improve no further (maximum medical improvement), a doctor will again examine you and rate your situation. This rating, called your permanent impairment rating, will help determine benefits and time off. Regardless of what the insurance company may tell you, you have the right to see your own doctor and get another opinion.
What To Do If You Suffer A Work-Related Head Or Neck Injury
Head and neck injuries will often receive plenty of attention if they are suffered from an accident or one-time traumatic occurrence. If you sustain a head or neck injury from repetitive motions, including rotations, movements or repeated contact, you may have a harder time convincing your employer or the insurance company that your pain is a result of your job.
Back and spine injuries are common to heavy lifting jobs. These types of injuries can be devastating and create problems and inconveniences in your personal life and in your ability to work. Even if you have taken all of the heavy lifting safety orientations available to you, your job can still require lifts that can cause deep and lasting pain.
Let Us Help You On The Path To Recovery
We have a deep understanding of the medical details of your injury, as well as the terminology the insurance companies and their doctors are using to describe it. We know what you are entitled to as a worker under the workers’ compensation act, and our lawyers are prepared to help you fight for it.
Complete our online contact form or call Hannigan Botha & Sievers, Ltd., at 847-388-0874 for a free consultation.