Richard D Hannigan reappointed as editor for 2017-2018 of the ISBA Workers Compensation Section Council Newsletter by Richard Hannigan
To Mail or Not To Mail, That Is The Question by Richard Hannigan
What Consequences Does an Employer Face When There is a Refusal to Authorize Treatment? A Petitioner’s Perspective by Richard Hannigan
Third Party immune From Liability Pursuant to Section 5(a) of the Act by Richard Hannigan
Defending the Claim for an Odd-Lot Permanent Total Disability by Richard Hannigan
Compensability of Heart Attack Claims by Richard Hannigan
If you call it a bonus is it necessarily excluded from the calculation of average weekly wage and when do you include overtime in the calculation of average weekly wage? by Richard Hannigan
Why Don’t We Simply Abolish the Workers’ Compensation Act by Richard Hannigan
9/23/2011 Presentation to McHenry County Bar Assoc. by Richard Hannigan
Amendments To the Workers Compensation Act June 28, 2011 by Richard Hannigan
2011 Worker’s Compensation Act Changes by Richard D. Hannigan
Workers’ Compensation Reform in the December 2010 Veto Session by Richard D. Hannigan
Travel Expenses by Kevin S. Botha
Undocumented Workers are Entitled to WC Benefits by Kevin S. Botha