Many people are concerned about the aftermath of losing a loving one, especially if that loved one is the primary earner for the family. While there is the emotional aftermath, the family also has to wonder how it will continue to sustain itself without that person’s financial contributions. If the loss of life occurs while the person is going about their assigned job requirements, state laws in Illinois require the employer to provide workers’ compensation coverage that likely extends to dependents of the worker. One family will likely be seeking such compensation after a tragic industrial accident took the life one man.
The accident occurred in the morning. A 42-year-old man was operating a backhoe for a power company. Reports indicate he was using the machinery for clear cutting.
Unfortunately, as he worked the backhoe fell down an embankment. As a result, the man was crushed and killed. In most workplace accidents such as this, an investigation is conducted by the state’s division of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to determine if the company violated any safety and health standards that resulted in the accident.
An OSHA investigation can help prevent a similar industrial accident in the future and also help the deceased’s family members have a better understanding of the events surrounding their loved one’s death, perhaps providing them with some sort of emotional closure. However, the family will also need monetary aid to cope with expenses such as funeral bills and the loss of wages. While they likely qualify for workers’ compensation death benefits under state law, many people in Illinois have found it helpful to seek knowledgeable assistance in securing all applicable benefits in a timely manner.
Source:, Man Crushed by Backhoe in Industrial Accident, No author, Oct. 8, 2013