Construction worker injured on the job, taken to hospital

On Behalf of | Jul 22, 2014 | Construction Workers' Accidents |

Almost any job has a certain degree of danger attached to it, regardless of the occupation. As a result, most Illinois employers attempt to ensure that their employees are safe in their work environment. However, despite their best efforts, there are likely still risks while at work. For example, in one out-of-state incident, a construction worker was taken to the hospital after being injured on the job.

The incident happened in mid-July. Reports indicate that a 30-year-old male was working at an apartment site that was apparently undergoing construction. It is believed that some concrete pilings fell, causing the collapse of a framing panel. The man became trapped under the panel.

Fortunately, the man is expected to live. However, the extent of his injuries is unclear at this time. As in many industrial accidents, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has launched an investigation into the accident. If it determines that health or safety standards were violated leading up to the accident, the man’s employer could face a citation and fine.

While OSHA is conducting its investigation, the man and his family may be facing financial complications because he was injured on the job. Such an accident can result in medical bills and lost wages. Fortunately, states, including Illinois, require employers to provide workers’ compensation coverage for their employees in the event of such an accident. In the past, those wanting to ensure full and accurate compensation have chosen to seek advice and guidance from those with experience with workers’ compensation procedures and laws.

Source:, “30-year-old man injured in downtown Milwaukee construction accident”, Chris Patterson, July 17, 2014

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