Illinois workers who suffer a serious on-the-job injury that prevents them from being able to perform their job duties will lose out on the wages they need to survive. Workers who are in this kind of precarious situation may not know how they are going to pay for their next meal, and worse, they may not even know if they will fully recover medically from their injuries.
Fortunately, it does not matter how an Illinois worker gets hurt, it is highly likely that he or she will have the ability to seek workers’ compensation benefits to pay for his or her medical care relating to the injuries. While recovering from those injuries, the worker may also be able to seek wage-replacement benefits in order to stay financially afloat while waiting to get better.
Wage replacement benefits are so important to the workers’ compensation system in our state. Without them, the entire lives of injured workers would crumble around while they are dealing with their serious injuries. With them, workers can make financial ends meet and continue to put food on their families’ tables.
Although wage replacement benefits are not for the full amount of an Illinois worker’s income, workers receiving benefits will not be required to pay income taxes on those benefits. As such, wage replacement funds received are usually very close to the worker’s actual salary.
All this said, just because a worker is deserving of wage replacement and other injury-related compensation benefits does not necessarily mean that he or she will be rewarded them. This is where an experienced workers’ compensation attorney may be able to help. Indeed, the workers’ compensation attorneys at Hannigan & Botha, LTD, have assisted numerous injured workers in securing the benefits they deserved, even after they were formerly denied those benefits.