If you’ve spent a lot of time in front of a computer, typing, as most modern workers have done these days, you might have experienced the beginning signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a repetitive use injury commonly associated with typing, but it can also be caused by other repetitive tasks performed by people who use their hands on the job.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include tingling, numbness, weakness and other issues in the hand and wrist area. It is often the result of pressure being put on the median nerve in the wrist. The median nerve along with different tendons pass from the hand to the forearm via a small region inside the wrist referred to as the carpal tunnel.
This median nerve is in control f feeling and movement inside the first three fingers and thumb, but not the little finger. As such, symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome often affect these fingers, while the little finger remains unaffected.
Repetitive strain on the hand and fingers can cause the carpal tunnel to swell, resulting in pressure being put on the median nerve. This pressure results in the various symptoms described above, which in extreme cases, can even affect the forearm.
In most cases, when people who have carpal tunnel syndrome visit the doctor, their physician will want to know if they have health problems like hypothyroidism, diabetes or arthritis, or if they are pregnant, as these conditions can result in carpal tunnel syndrome. When these possibilities are ruled out, the doctor will likely turn to the patients’ daily routines and work habits to determine if those may be to blame for the symptoms.
Illinois workers who contract carpal tunnel syndrome will usually have the ability to get money to pay for their medical care and time spent unable to work by filing a workers’ compensation claim. If you or your loved one are suffering from carpal tunnel symptoms, you may want to speak with both a doctor and a qualified workers’ compensation attorney about your condition.
Source: WebMD, “Carpal tunnel syndrome,” accessed Nov. 09, 2016