News media outlets are constantly reporting how the national economy has improved and the recession is long over. However, numerous workers are still struggling to get a full-time job. Many of these workers have turned to temporary jobs that don’t offer the same level of safety protections. Fortunately, a proposed Illinois law could expand safety protections for these workers.
A state lawmaker introduced the proposed legislation late last month. The bill is in response to the numerous workers in the state, and throughout the nation, who’ve faced difficult challenges when it comes to finding full-time employment. In fact, although the economy has grown, one recent study pointed out that the vast majority of employment growth over the last decade was in the alternative work arrangements space. Alternative work arrangements include temporary, on-call, contract and other jobs.
Perhaps even more surprising is the fact that the percentage of workers looking for full-time jobs is higher now than prior to the recession. For warehouse and factory workers, it’s difficult to secure a full-time job; most of these workers need to approach a temp agency first.
Statistically, temporary workers have a higher chance of being hurt on the job as compared to other workers. Also, temporary workers commonly work at the same company for years receiving less pay than their co-workers.
Clearly, something needs to be done to increase labor protections for temporary workers in Illinois. Hopefully, state legislatures will pass new laws that protect these workers. In the meantime, injured temporary workers who were hurt on the job for any reason may want to reach out to an Illinois workers’ compensation lawyer to learn about their right to receive compensation for their injuries.
Source: Propublica, “New Bill in Illinois Would Increase Temp Worker Protections,” Michael Grabell, Jan. 25, 2017