The winter chill presents a plethora of hazards that most people do not prepare adequately for. Of the biggest or most common forms of hazards, icy pavements prove to pose a continued, undefeated threat.
When dealing with such slick ground, it is important to understand ways to stay as safe as possible. This can help diminish the chances of a serious accident happening.
The dangers of icy pavement
Keystone Health takes a look at dealing with certain common locations that can get dangerous fast in winter, like the pavement of sidewalks and the asphalt of parking lots. Not only can these areas ice up quickly, but it can also take a while for the ice to melt, especially if they exist within the shadow of a building. Black ice may also appear, which is invisible to the naked eye and can trick people into thinking an area is safe when it is not.
To prevent injury, people can wear weather-appropriate shoes outdoors. It also helps to walk slowly across any potentially icy surface, keeping one’s center of gravity stable and close to the ground.
Responsibilities of property owners
Of course, it is ultimately up to the property owner to ensure true safety when using a slick or icy sidewalk or parking lot, though. The owner should take the time necessary to put down salt, deicer or sand. They may even want to set up signs warning of slick surfaces.
If the owner fails to take any precautions and a person ends up slipping and injuring themselves on their property, said owner might hold liability for the damages faced by the victim.