How long does back strain pain last?

On Behalf of | Feb 24, 2022 | Workers' Compensation |

The pain you feel from straining your back can be the worst part of your workplace injury. Back pain can be modest, severe or even debilitating, making it difficult to work or perform everyday activities. If you are wondering how long pain resulting from back strain lasts, the exact answer will vary.

Back strain takes many different forms, plus the health of a worker will be a factor. People who suffer from health problems will probably experience a greater amount of pain over a longer span of time.

The time period of intense pain

According to Veritas Health, the most intense pain occurs in the hours and days shortly following the injury. The pain you experience will likely motivate you to seek medical help, at which time you should receive treatment to reduce your pain as well as information on how to heal your back.

Your exact intensity of pain may vary compared to other back strain patients. You might suffer more pain if you bend backward or forward. During your initial period following your injury, you will probably discover specific motions and postures that aggravate your back.

The time period of moderate pain

Many back strain patients experience continual moderate pain following the initial intense pain. Stiffness and tenderness in places also characterize this stage of pain. Typically, this stage of pain lasts for one to two weeks while the back muscles heal. After this time, the pain may have subsided to the point that you can exercise to regain your strength.

The nature of your injury

Keep in mind that the nature of your back strain will play a critical role in how long your pain and overall recovery period lasts. If you suffered a pulled muscle, your symptoms may disappear completely by four to six weeks. Conversely, a complete muscle tear could put you on the mend for months. The length of your recovery could increase your medical costs, so it is important to get the best outlook on your condition if you pursue workers’ compensation.

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