How can a TBI limit you at work?

On Behalf of | Oct 2, 2022 | Workers' Compensation |

Traumatic brain injuries at work often occur due to falls or heavy objects. Aside from the initial injury, a TBI could prevent you from returning to work for weeks to several months after an accident. For some, returning in the same capacity becomes impossible.

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are various physical and cognitive limitations that occur after a TBI.

Physical limiters

Returning to work could be difficult because of your physical limitations. When you stand, you might experience dizziness or frequent headaches that could plague you too often to stay productive on the job.

  • Frequent headaches are common following a TBI. You might find it difficult to concentrate, leave the house or perform any labor. The headaches could keep you from working for a week or several months after an injury.
  • Some patients develop post-traumatic epilepsy. Most seizures stop and only occur in the early stages following the injury, but others will have recurrent seizures that last for years.
  • If you performed a job on heavy machinery, vertigo after an injury could prevent you from returning to work in the same capacity. Vertigo results in dizziness.

Cognitive limiters

Cognitive issues limit your ability to think, know and remember after a TBI. You may struggle with reasoning, problem-solving, attention and judgment. Most careers require you have control over your cognition to be able to perform your job correctly. You may struggle to finish projects, regardless of understanding the importance of a deadline.

Those that need to speak to clients or consumers may have trouble following a conversation or completing a thought concisely.

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